Book Reviews
Below are a few reviews on the Normative Leadership book from satisfied customers.
By Lisa Morgan Emery Date Added: April 2010
Mr. Hess,
I just wanted to let you know I think of you and of ‘Helpathy’ often. Right now, I am wearing your ‘Busque La Balanza!’ shirts from one of your seminars at St. Mary Middle School in Glenshaw, PA WAY back in 1995 — when I taught Spanish there. Though well-worn and ragged, it is beloved — I just plain ‘feel good’ in it!
How I loved your spirit and enthusiasm!
We need you and your mission more than ever, sir! Thank you for being a POSITIVE FORCE in our world!
God bless you!
Lisa Morgan Emery
By A.G. Date Added: February 2010
Thanks again for two great workshops and the chance to read your book. “Normative Leadership” was an excellent addition to your training. The book provided further insight into the Force Field and the path each of us takes to establish ourselves as leaders or those seeking opportunity.
– A.G
By Brian R. Dippolito Date Added: Thursday March 20, 2008
I work in a residential treatment facility for adjudicated youth. I thoroughly enjoy working with kids, however, early on in my career I became “burned out” and left the field. After some soul searching, I came back to give things a second chance. As part of my in-service training, I attended Rod Hess’ Normative Leadership program. It was here that I gained insight into how the organizational culture dictates “how we do things around here.” Now I understood why I became “burned out but, more importantly, I learned some skills so that I could work smarter and not harder. Since the sessions, my one to one skills and overall communication skills have improved a great deal.
After taking the course I wanted to learn more so I bought his book and steadily I am working towards what I need to do to be a good counselor. Normative Leadership: Powerful Skills for Creating Your Path, is a book that anyone trying to learn the dynamics of people and how to get the most out of them should want to read. I have read the book from start to finish on six different occasions. Each time I learn something more and get a little bit closer toward achieving my ultimate goal- being a Normative Leader. The book is an excellent “how to” resource for me to use when addressing problems I face at work.
It is time to read the book again to go to the next level. For anyone that reads this review, by the book it will benefit you in your job and in life.
– Brian R. Dippolito, Lead Counselor, Summit Academy
by Susan Wong Date Added: Monday 1 October, 2007
One of the best things I have gained from my 25 years of experience with my previous employment has been the opportunity to learn about the Normative Leadership model from Rod Hess. I participated in his monthly Train-the-Trainer course over a period of one year. Through this experience, I have gained insights that have enabled me to not only teach the model, but to also see the bigger “normative” picture regarding both people and task issues that arise daily in the work place. I now have a frame of reference and the skills needed to resolve issues more amicably and effectively.
His book, Normative Leadership: Powerful Skills for Creating Your Path, serves as a very good resource guide. I have read his book several times, and have referred to it often when dealing with situations I encountered at work. One beauty of this book is the fact that it is applicable in many settings regardless of your position. I encourage the use of this book by administrators, managers, educators or anyone in the leadership role at any level. Enjoy reading the book, implement it in your work place and become a “Normative Leader”.
– Susan Wong, LMSW, Counselor and Lecturer, SEEK Program, Baruch College, City University of New York (CUNY)
by claire turberville Date Added: Wednesday 30 November, 2005
I have known Rod Hess since 1986. I was working for a large multi-service agency in Georgia when he came to present Normative Concepts. Learning to approach the work using his invaluable tools resulted in significant positive organizational change for our agency. Nineteen years later, I am still using the same concepts and tools as an administrator in Baltimore, Maryland.
His new book, Normative Leadership, provides an excellent resource for myself and our staff to use as we continue to manage and grow our ever changing organizational culture. The book includes “operating systems” that enable our agency, at all levels, to gain the necessary knowledge and skills to go beyond the comfort zone to true leadership. It should be a “must read” for all new and veteran supervisors. I highly recommend it!
by scott lehigh Date Added: Friday 21 October, 2005
I have utilized The Helpathy core training theories throughout my career in building sales teams in the medical sales arena. These simple yet powerful techniques have enabled me to set the right culture, grow an individuals professional skill sets, retain/promote quality reps throughout the company and enhance organizational profits. Rod Hess is 10 star stuff, if you live it and teach it; your achievements can be endless. The Normative Leadership book is the key the starting the process, to making you and the people around you grow to new potentials; potentials that were unreachable prior to obtaining the knowledge contained in the book. A must read for all current managers and especially anyone managing for the first time.
Grow for it,
Scott A. Lehigh
VP of Sales, Synthes
by Fran Antolini Date Added: Saturday 15 October, 2005
Here is a practical, clear guidebook for the development of essential team building and leadership skills. The real beauty of Normative Leadership is its versatility. It can be used in any number of settings by any number and type of organizations. From small athletic teams to large corporations, this manual can guide groups through the building of skills to implement group goals with greatest efficiency and greatest personal satisfaction for the group members. It methodically and clearly takes emerging and existing leaders through the construction of the strongest of leadership skills. From his many years of experience, Rod Hess has put together an excellent, must-use book for any group interested in achieving goals with success and for any individual interested in charting a path toward effective leadership and personal contentment.
by John Lezo Date Added: Monday 10 October, 2005
10 years ago I had the pleasure of attending several of the Normative Leadership courses facilitated by Rod Hess. My direct reports and their teams also participated in these sessions. The programs were meaningful then and I am still using many of the principles learned in those sessions while working with customers, peers, external resources. Rod’s book presents these principles in clear, concise terms that are applicable to every day business life.
John Lezo
Mellon Financial Corporation
Pittsburgh PA
by Bill Casile Date Added: Thursday 22 September, 2005
As an organizational consultant and counselor educator for over 25 years, I am surprised at how frequently I keep coming back to the common sense principles that define the Normative Leader. The book, and especially the training program, provides the practical skills needed to encourage people in groups, teams, and organizations, to be better. However, the power of Rod’s framework for building a positive and effective organizational culture goes well beyond learning leadership skills. He recognizes the importance of encouraging people to examine their attitudes and intentions and challenges them to do the right things.
While the skills needed to create a normative culture appear simple; couching them in a purpose driven, humane approach to people in systems can produce elegant results. I use these principles and skills daily in my consulting, my training, and my life, and I recommend them to you.
William J. Casile, Ph.D., Director
Doctoral Program in Counselor Education and Supervision
Duquesne University
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15282
by Robert Ditillo Date Added: Thursday 22 September, 2005
In today’s dynamic world of business competition, organizations are under constant pressure to find innovative ways to harness the problemsolving potential of their workforce.
Having experienced “first-hand” success with Rod Hess’ Normative Leadership program, I have found that his “Normative” concepts and materials to be an excellent resource for organizations striving to manage cultural change and fostering problem-solving in the workplace.
This program offers a practical approach to managing “change” and, more importantly, improving business results.
by John Barr Date Added: Wednesday 21 September, 2005
The Central Administratiion for the Owen J. Roberts School District requested that I provide a training exercise for district faculty members covering classroom management and classroom leadership skills and techniques. Mr. Hess’s NORMATIVE LEADERSHIP book proved to be an extremely valuable tool in the preperation and presentation of this training design.
John R. Barr
Assistant Principal
Owen J. Roberts High school
by jorawar misir Date Added: Monday 12 September, 2005
Having gone through many developmental and training manuals, Mr. Hess’ “NORMATIVE LEADERSHIP” was indeed a pleasure to read and study. Its easy explanation of new and complex ideas in the evaluation and training in management, organization and leadership makes this book a valuable addition. It is a must read for all present day managers.
by Barbara Stein Date Added: Tuesday 06 September, 2005
Rod Hess’ Normative Leadership stands out as the most useful of any of the management, organizational evaluation, staff development, or leadership training manuals I’ve ever encountered. It is clearly written and covers the most critical information and skills one needs to become effective in dealing with individuals and groups in the workplace and in every aspect of life. It enables the reader to understand normative culture, evaluate him/herself and others, identify and develop leaders, assess performance and make wise, effective decisions. Its lessons are invaluable! This is one book to which the reader will refer over and over again.
by Fred Shugars Date Added: Tuesday 30 August, 2005
The program teaches leaders that the environment they shape has an enormous impact on the success of the team. It gives practical approaches in how to shape that environment to allow the team to perform at its highest potential.
by dan holtz Date Added: Tuesday 30 August, 2005
This book provided a constant reminder that a leader’s primary responsibility is getting the right things done. in otherwords getting the right results.
This book is a relatively easy read, with numerous tools and advice. It helps you understand how to model the appropriate behavior, ask the right questions, make the right observations and develop high performing teams regardless of your organization or industry.