Do your supervisors do “therapy” rather than “supervision” on their employees? Do your staff “analyze ‘til they’re paralyzed” and leave the meeting without accomplishing anything? Are clients treated as VIPs or individuals who are merely just tolerated? Have budget cuts or restraints hurt your organization’s ability to provide quality service delivery to your clients? The Normative Leadership Program will show you how to get the most out of what you have to work with, by creating a more efficient and effective culture in your work place.
The Normative Leadership Core Program lays a solid foundation for building a normative infrastructure of pride, teamwork, and accountability which will translate into quality service delivery to your clients. As your organization’s culture responds to the changes that are implemented, new strategies can be defined to address the “here and now” issues that need to be addressed.
Normative Leadership Programs for Students
Normative behavior plays a big part in the every day lives of students. Sadly, we hear too often about the negative results associated with it. Bullying, peer pressure and social "drama," are all a part of the normative dynamics occurring between groups and individuals. Unfortunately, many students do not have the skills that enable them to constructively stand up for themselves when being bullied by others.
The Normative Leadership Program for Students gives them a frame of reference to understand the dynamics of peer pressure, but more importantly, provides solid skills they can employ to minimize the impact of negative peer pressure. Additionally, they will be able to use their newly acquired Normative Leadership skills to become a catalyst for change within themselves and the their peer group.
* Programs are designed to accommodate your specific objectives.
The Helpathy Group:
A Peer Model for Developing Group and Individual Normative Leadership Skills
* Prerequisite: The effectiveness of your Helpathy Group is program is greatly impacted by your organization’s culture. All staff, at all levels throughout the organization, must have an understanding of the normative concepts and be committed to using the concepts to make the necessary changes to prepare the culture for the Helpathy Group Model. The completion of the Introduction to Normative Cultures Program and Leadership Management training programs set the foundation for this to happen.
The Helpathy Group Training Program
* Phase 1: The Control Phase:
This four day training program offers participants a solid foundation for setting the organizational and programmatic logistics of implementing a Helpathy Group. Participants learn the control phase strategies and skills through a combination of didactic sessions, video tape role plays (1-1 and group) and participation in a group experience. Content includes:
- Pre-training 1-1 video tape session.
- Strategy session: Program implementation opportunities and obstacles.
- Review/1-1 skills development.
- Individual style assessment
- 1-1 Role play critiques.
- Understanding groups and group dynamics.
- The Helpathy Group: Theory and Practice.
- Group leader skills for the Control Phase group.
- Group leader role plays of group scenarios.
- Normative Game Plan for implementation.
* Due to the experiential nature of the training, the class size is limited to 12 participants.
* A follow-up day(s) should be arranged to provide additional training/consultations to assist group leaders with problems they are encountering.
* Phase 2: The Relationship Phase:
When the normative culture within the organization and groups has become stabilized, this two day session introduces participants to the relationship phase program. Content includes:
- Making the transition: Control to Relationship Phase
- Teaching the Normative Leadership Curriculum.
- Troubleshooting group leader issues.
* A follow-up day(s) should be arranged to provide additional training/consultations to assist group leaders with problems they are encountering.
Group leader program book available soon.
* Phase 3: The Cohesive Phase:
This one day session prepares group leaders to teach the final cohesive phase program. Content includes:
- Making the transition: Relationship to Cohesive Phase
- Teaching the Normative Leadership Skills as they apply to the Work Place.
- Troubleshooting group leader issues.